Car park for the Põlva market

Põlva turu parkla
Põlva turu parkla
Põlva turu parkla
Põlva turu parkla
Põlva turu parkla
Põlva turu parkla
Põlva turu parkla
Põlva turu parkla
hours of design work

In the summer of 2022, the renovation of the car park between the cemetery and the old market, which was planned for the new Põlva market, was completed.

In the past, it had been a disorganised parking area covered by natural soil, lacking the feeling of an urban street space and a clearly defined traffic culture. The aim of the project was to renovate the parking area with specific traffic routes, landscaping, and recreational areas. The final design included the planting of 34 new trees and the installation of 26 new benches.


27. Nov 2015
